Thinking Tomorrow Today
Tailored solutions for climate policyTackling climate change requires sound analysis and solutions tailored to the specific situation.
I support mitigation efforts that address concrete challenges.
Transport decarbonisation
Sustainable mobility is possible and benefits everyone, locally and globally. Yet today the sector is responsible for around a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions and growing. Reducing emissions from the sector is a cross-cutting challenge that cuts across modes, actors and sectors.
I provide research and analysis for low-carbon transport solutions, tracking of transport targets and policies, and support for stakeholder engagement processes with a focus on the transport and energy nexus.

Climate policy analysis
Successful climate action starts with a sound analysis of available options, existing frameworks and barriers.
I support decision-makers with research and analysis to set climate-relevant policies, define pathways and evaluate the effectiveness of implemented measures.
Project development & climate finance
Climate finance is an important tool to bring about the transformation we need to combat climate change. As public finance is too limited to finance all the necessary investments, it is even more important that it is used effectively and in a way that leverages much larger private finance flows.
I help organisations evaluate the effectiveness of climate finance and analyse the transparency of climate finance flows.
At the micro level, designing projects for maximum effectiveness requires a comprehensive analysis of the underlying challenges. Only by working closely with local stakeholders who have a deep understanding of the local situation will projects be successful.
I bridge the need for in-depth understanding of the local situation with the design and reporting requirements of international donors to deliver successful project and programme proposals.

People drive change. Knowledge and expertise are key factors for successful climate action.
I develop training materials on climate change mitigation, run training events and facilitate workshops to bring stakeholders together.
Why Act?
Climate change will fundamentally alter our civilisation. Without rapid and effective action, the consequences for people and our societies will become increasingly severe. Extreme heat will become more frequent, water resources and food production will become less reliable, diseases will move into new areas, sea levels will rise and infrastructure will continue to be damaged by floods and storms.
What To Do?
We need to stop emitting greenhouse gases as soon as possible to limit global warming to a level that keeps impacts manageable. In 2015, all countries agreed in the Paris Agreement that we must reach net-zero emissions in the second half of the century. But we are still increasing global emissions. The good news is that we can do a lot, and we have the technologies to do it.
But we need to act now!
Measuring Success
Whatever action we take, we want to know if we have achieved what we set out to do. So keeping an eye on CO2 concentrations might be enough to see if we are succeeding. But if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it: We may need to take a closer look at individual actions along the way. Measuring success is not just about achieving your goals, it is also a tool for fine-tuning actions to be as effective as possible and to adapt to changing circumstances.
Of publishing scientists agree that:
- Earth’s climate has warmed significantly since the late 1800s.
- Human activities (primarily greenhouse gas emissions) are the primary cause.
- Continuing emissions will increase the likelihood and severity of global effects.
This video illustrates the great consensus among scientists and explains some methods sceptics use to make this consensus seem less strong.
Do net zero targets drive ambitious climate action in the transport sector?
A growing number of economy-wide net zero targets have been announced in recent years. What does this mean for the transport sector?
Accelerating electrification with renewable power?
Electrification in transport is trendy – but the clear commitment to power it with renewables is still missing
Heavy lifting needed to decarbonise the freight sector
Abating emissions from the transport sector will not be possible without tackling the freight sector