April 20207 – November 2020

Most support in the road transport sector to date has focused on conventional biofuels and fuel economy policies and has been limited to road transport. Much is already known about liquid biofuels for transport and biomethane, and few technical barriers exist for conventional biofuels, particularly for lower blends. However, more progress is needed for advanced biofuels and electrofuels, and to accelerate large-scale solutions and reduce costs in technologically less mature renewable fuels in general – particularly crucial for long-haul transport, aviation and shipping, where fewer alternatives are immediately available. Electrification of the sector is expanding rapidly to become more mainstream, but more integrated planning, dedicated policies and investment are needed to link electrified transport to renewable energy sources.

The project seeks to answer remaining questions and fill in knowledge gaps to better inform policy makers and players across sectors, namely:

  • Where we stand in “renewable energy in transport” pathways
  • What is needed to develop these “renewable energy in transport” pathways
  • Bringing decision makers together from energy and transport to develop a joint understanding and propose concrete actions / recommendations
  • What priority actions should the transport and energy community address to strengthen the sectoral integration to decarbonise transport and energy


The report is available here


Client: REN21 for the FIA Foundation