I have worked on a wide range of projects that helped me develop the ability to design and assess the effectiveness of policies and initiatives across a range of themes and sectors. I have a solid understanding of the systems that enable the tracking of success – locally and internationally. Below some examples of successful projects.
Current projects
Strategic management of the Renewables Global Futures Report 2023
The 2023 edition of the Renewables Global Futures Report will ask the question: “What is the role of renewables in decarbonising the transport sector?”
Support to the Technical Analysis of BURs and Review of BRs
I assist the UNFCCC secretariat in coordinating the technical analysis of BURs and NC/BR submissions of developed country Parties.
Transport in new Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies
The project analyses the role of transport in new and updated NDCs and LTS
Completed projects
Transport decarbonisation
Strategic management of the Renewables Global Futures Report 2023
The 2023 edition of the Renewables Global Futures Report will ask the question: “What is the role of renewables in decarbonising the transport sector?”
Renewable phase-in and fossil fuel phase-out strategies for transport
The project provided technical assistance for the analysis of different types of countries related to fossil fuel subsidies and their ambitions in the transport sector
Transport in new Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies
The project analyses the role of transport in new and updated NDCs and LTS
Asia Council for Decarbonising Transport
The project provides technical support to the Asia Council for Decarbonising Transport in the context of the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia
Renewable energy pathways in road transport
The report provides an overview of the technical solutions, current market trends and policies, and recommendations how to enhance the use of renewables in the road transport sector.
Spotlighting G20 Transport and Climate Protection Policies
The project looks at the state of G20 transport emissions and existing approaches for decarbonising the transport sector. Previous analysis will be updated
Supporting enhanced MRV in the transport sector
various timeframes Since 2014, I have supported different GIZ projects related to MRV systems in the transport sector. The TRANSfer supports selected partner countries in developing and implementing NAMAs in the transport sector. The project developed a Reference...
Advancing transport climate strategies (TraCS)
I support the TraCS project in its second phase, designing peer exchange and learning workshops and defining key recommendations for transport policy makers.
Climate policy analysis
Review and update of Viet Nam’s Nationally Determined Contribution
I provide recommendations for consolidation of assumptions and methodologies of the five sectoral reports, for enhancing the accuracy and consistency of scenarios, and overall recommendations for enhancing the technical report of the NDC in particular the mitigation component.
Implementation of Future GHG Mitigation Goals
March 2017 - July 2017 Nearly all countries have proposed climate actions, so-called Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), in the wake of the Paris Agreement. Still, in total these plans will not suffice to keep climate change at a secure level. Therefore, all...
WRI GHG Protocol Policy and Action Standard
July 2012 - May 2015 The GHG Protocol Policy and Action Standard provides a standardized approach for estimating the greenhouse gas effect of policies and actions. Analysts at both the national and local levels can evaluate the GHG impacts of specific policies to...
Supporting INDC development in The Gambia
At COP 19 in Warsaw the UNFCCC decided that Parties should put forward 'intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs)' towards the new Agreement to be agreed in Paris in 2015. To support developing countries in the process to define their contributions, the GIZ...
Project development & climate finance
Preparation of the project proposal for Energy Storage for Renewable Energy Integration in India
The programme aims to bring the energy transition closer to community level. I support the design of activities and proposal preparation.
Preparation of the project concept for the IKI country call Viet Nam
December 2019 - May 2020 In the context of the energy sector component of the country call for Viet Nam of the International Climate Initiative, GIZ together with a consortium of partner organizations developed a concept for the energy sector component of the call and...
Evaluation of the UK Climate Investment Pilot
January 2016 - December 2018 The work combined impact and process evaluation approaches and provided options for continuous improvement for the pilot in addition to identifying impacts and lessons for future UK International Climate Fund programmes. The evaluation...
Midterm evaluation of the Global Climate Partnership Fund (GCPF)
The evaluation established the likelihood of a cause-and-effect relationship of the committed investments and assess GCPF’s likely contribution to transformational change.
Reporting on the provision of support under the UNFCCC
January 2017 - March 2017 The lead reviewers (LRs) of national communications (NCs) and biennial reports (BRs) meet every year in Bonn to discuss key review challenges faced by the expert review teams when reviewing NCs and BRs and ways and approaches to address these...
Mainstreaming climate change in investment decision making
The assignment aims to foster GCF internal reflection and refine the strategy on evidence-based investment in low greenhouse gas emission and climate resilient development in developing countries.
CGE Training materials on mitigation assessment
CGE training materials are updated to reflect the latest science, particularly the findinigs from the sixth IPCC Assessment Report, and the transition to the Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement
Support to the Technical Analysis of BURs and Review of BRs
I assist the UNFCCC secretariat in coordinating the technical analysis of BURs and NC/BR submissions of developed country Parties.
Guidebook on verification and accreditation systems
The objective of the Guide is to provide an overview and practical guidance for policy-makers and practitioners about how verification and accreditation systems should be developed and implemented.
UNFCCC Technical Analysis Practice Guidance
This consultancy work focused on the tools that support the technical analysis of BURs.
Training materials on reporting domestic MRV arrangements
February 2015 - July 2015 The guidelines for reporting in biennial update reports include the voluntary reporting on domestic MRV arrangements for mitigation actions. I am supporting the UNFCCC secretariat in developing material to help developing countries in...
Training materials for the teams of technical experts (TTE)
May 2015 - November 2015 Under the UNFCCC new reporting requirements for developing countries were agreed. These biennual update reports (BUR) will be subject to an international analysis and consultation (ICA) process. The ICA will be conducted by a technical team of...