I have worked on a wide range of projects that helped me develop the ability to design and assess the effectiveness of policies and initiatives across a range of themes and sectors. I have a solid understanding of the systems that enable the tracking of success – locally and internationally. Below some examples of successful projects.

Current projects

Completed projects

Transport decarbonisation

Supporting enhanced MRV in the transport sector

Supporting enhanced MRV in the transport sector

various timeframes Since 2014, I have supported different GIZ projects related to MRV systems in the transport sector. The TRANSfer supports selected partner countries in developing and implementing NAMAs in the transport sector. The project developed a Reference...

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Climate policy analysis

Implementation of Future GHG Mitigation Goals

Implementation of Future GHG Mitigation Goals

March 2017 - July 2017 Nearly all countries have proposed climate actions, so-called Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), in the wake of the Paris Agreement. Still, in total these plans will not suffice to keep climate change at a secure level. Therefore, all...

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WRI GHG Protocol Policy and Action Standard

WRI GHG Protocol Policy and Action Standard

July 2012 - May 2015 The GHG Protocol Policy and Action Standard provides a standardized approach for estimating the greenhouse gas effect of policies and actions. Analysts at both the national and local levels can evaluate the GHG impacts of specific policies to...

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Supporting INDC development in The Gambia

Supporting INDC development in The Gambia

At COP 19 in Warsaw the UNFCCC decided that Parties should put forward 'intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs)' towards the new Agreement to be agreed in Paris in 2015. To support developing countries in the process to define their contributions, the GIZ...

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Project development & climate finance

Evaluation of the UK Climate Investment Pilot

Evaluation of the UK Climate Investment Pilot

January 2016 - December 2018 The work combined impact and process evaluation approaches and provided options for continuous improvement for the pilot in addition to identifying impacts and lessons for future UK International Climate Fund programmes. The evaluation...

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Reporting on the provision of support under the UNFCCC

Reporting on the provision of support under the UNFCCC

January 2017 - March 2017 The lead reviewers (LRs) of national communications (NCs) and biennial reports (BRs) meet every year in Bonn to discuss key review challenges faced by the expert review teams when reviewing NCs and BRs and ways and approaches to address these...

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Training materials on reporting domestic MRV arrangements

Training materials on reporting domestic MRV arrangements

February 2015 - July 2015 The guidelines for reporting in biennial update reports include the voluntary reporting on domestic MRV arrangements for mitigation actions. I am supporting the UNFCCC secretariat in developing material to help developing countries in...

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Training materials for the teams of technical experts (TTE)

Training materials for the teams of technical experts (TTE)

May 2015 - November 2015 Under the UNFCCC new reporting requirements for developing countries were agreed. These biennual update reports (BUR) will be subject to an international analysis and consultation (ICA) process. The ICA will be conducted by a technical team of...

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