January 2023 – July 2024 (current)
December 2019 – July 2021 (completed)
January 2018 – December 2018 (completed)
The international consultation and analysis (ICA) process, is part of the measurement, reporting and verification system for developing country countries under the UNFCCC. The implementation of the ICA process involves two steps: technical analysis (TA) of the biennial update reports (BURs) submitted by Parties, and the facilitative sharing of views (FSV) for each Party under the SBI. Similarly, the international assessment and review (IAR) process aims to promote the comparability of efforts among all developed country Parties, including in relation to their quantified economy-wide emission limitation and reduction targets, improve the transparency and completeness of reporting on the implementation of the UNFCCC.
I assist the UNFCCC secretariat in coordinating the technical analysis of BURs and NC/BR submissions of developed country Parties.
Client: UNFCCC