Time is Running Out: Carbon Markets Cannot Replace More Ambitious National Commitments — Particularly in Transport by Marion Vieweg (Current Future) & Daniel Bongardt (GIZ) At the UN Climate Conference (COP25) that just ended in Madrid, acting COP President...
by Marion Vieweg (Current Future) & Monique Voogt (SQ Consult) The amount of evidence is rapidly increasing and overwhelming: the era of coal-fired power production is nearly over. Nearly… so let’s explore what is happening and why. In the US, 74 percent of the...
Ms. Meier lives close to the Polish border in one of the three main lignite mining areas in Germany. Lignite has been mined in the area since the 1850s. The first power plant went online in 1894. Open pit mining has dramatically transformed the landscape and relocated...
Supported by the German government and the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), the process was kicked off in January 2015, with a scoping mission of Climate Analytics’ team supporting the technical analysis and a technical workshop involving over...
What’s the time Most assessments agree that Lima has provided another step in the right direction – albeit a baby step, where what we need is a leap. 350.org rightly highlight that the UNFCCC and the new agreement is just one tool, that needs to be...